Company: Choice Environmental Services
Transaction Type: Recapitalization
Industry: Environmental Services
Headquarters: Fort Lauderdale, FL
Overview: Choice Environmental Services, Inc. is a residential, commercial and industrial solid waste management company headquartered in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Choice provides solid waste and recycling collection, transportation, processing and disposal services to approximately 70,000 customers. Augmenting its waste collection operations, Choice operates one of the largest materials recovery facilities in the state of Florida.
Financier: Penfund
Headquarters: Toronto, CAN
Overview: Penfund is a leading North American private equity firm specializing in providing junior capital to middle market companies throughout North America. Penfund provides second lien, high yield, mezzanine and unitranche debt, control and minority equity, as well as bridge facilities, standby lines, underwritten facilities and financial guarantees. Penfund manages institutional funds sourced from North American pension funds, insurance companies, family offices and banks and has invested more than $2.5 billion in over 220 companies since its establishment in 1979.